We can help you with all your environmental planning needs.

Whether you are an applicant or an affected party, Poipoia has an experienced team who can support all your Resource Management Act needs.

Cultural and environmental assessments are core specialties for Poipoia which lead to clear and valuable resources to support consents.


Planning Advice

Poipoia can provide you with a clear plan to tackle all your resource management needs.

Farm management plans, resource consent applications, working on submissions to council plans and managing consultation with stakeholders.

Poipoia offers the full gambit of traditional planning services layered with specific technical skills in kaitiakitanga and working with Māori.


Cultural Impact and Values assessments

CIA's are invaluable tools, if done correctly. Poipoia are experts in developing CIA's which reflect the voice of the affected tangata whenua.

When CIA's accurately detail the position of mana whenua, the solutions are within reach and can enable a deep and long-lasting relationship with Māori partners.

We can guide you to these outcomes when you are seeking to apply for consents which focus on a win-win for all.


tangata whenua engagement

Working with Māori communities can be a challenge if you don't know who to talk to and how to communicate appropriately with mana whenua.

Poipoia can support your organisation to talk to the right people and develop a long term relationship that transcends an immediate consenting issue, to lead to new opportunities with tangata whenua partners. 

Be sure to check out our staff page to see more on our experienced team.